Meet your newly elected members of the Board of Directors
Darrell Allen, of Clinton, has served on the Petit Jean Board since 2002. He is retired from the Van Buren County Water Department.
Darrell Allen, of Clinton, has served on the Petit Jean Board since 2002. He is retired from the Van Buren County Water Department.
While fireworks and Independence Day parades are synonymous with the Fourth of July, no such fanfare comes to mind when discussing energy efficiency.
Notice is hereby given the members of Petit Jean Electric Cooperative that, in accordance with Article VII of the Cooperative’s bylaws, patronage capital for the year 2016 has been credited to each member’s patronage capital account.
Petit Jean Electric Cooperative is pleased to announce the two high school students who will represent the cooperative on this year’s Youth Tour trip to Washington, D.C., June 9-15. Shown are Brittany Shannon, of Clinton High School and Emily Payne, of Southside High School.
Summer is here and that means it is time to enjoy the outdoors. While we work hard to ensure that your power delivery system is safe and reliable, we also want to share these tips from about how to stay safe from nature’s most powerful, and potentially deadly, form of electricity — lightning.
The Petit Jean Electric offices will be closed Monday, May 29, 2017, in observance of Memorial Day.
The Nominating Committee met on March 23, 2017, and made its nominations for the director positions to be filled this year.
If you haven’t already, you should receive in a few days the Petit Jean Electric Cooperative Annual Report and ballot for the election of two directors. Please take the time to vote and return the ballot to the co-op in the envelope provided.
The path of power to your home is guarded by silent sentinels — utility poles — that are under constant attack by Mother Nature and, sometimes, by people.