From the Manager’s Desk: You are a member, not a customer
That’s the co-op difference!
Many businesses use the word “member” to describe their customers. At Petit Jean Electric Cooperative, membership really does mean something more than just the right to buy electricity. We are founded on seven cooperative principles that give us guidance and strategic direction.
As a co-op member, you’re not just another customer. You are an owner, which gives you many benefits, including:
Membership is open to everyone in our service territory,
regardless of race, religion, age, disability, gender identity,
language, political perspective or socioeconomic status.
We follow democratic processes and allow members to vote in board elections and share their ideas or concerns. Since board members are from your community, this provides local control because they listen and respond to you.
Members contribute equally to — and democratically control — the cooperative’s capital. As a not-for-profit coop, no profit is collected. We return revenues or margins to our members in the form of capital credits.
While focusing on member needs, we work for the sustainable development of our communities. Cooperatives are community-focused and work to improve the areas we serve.
Since co-ops are owned by those we serve in our community, we have a mutual interest to ensure that both the co-op and the members do well and prosper. Working together helps to keep power affordable and ensures we can provide it in a reliable and responsible manner. Petit Jean Electric is a member-owned cooperative that strives to give you the best value of any utility. To us, you are not just a customer. You are a member, and without you, we would not exist.