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Jan 4, 2022

Soaring Fuel Costs

Soaring fuel costs have become an unfortunate reality for our nation. We feel the effects at the gas pump, grocery store, and in almost every other aspect of our daily lives. In recent months, we have seen the price of gasoline make a steady climb, exceeding $3 per gallon. Other fossil fuels — like natural gas — have also experienced drastic cost increases.
So why are fuel costs rising so dramatically?

Several factors influence fuel costs, including global demand, post-pandemic economic growth, decreased domestic supply and natural disasters — such as hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. Gasoline, diesel fuel, natural gas, propane and coal all go up in cost as a result of these types of events, which, in turn, cause electricity costs to rise.

Natural gas is a key fuel consumed by wholesale electric generating utilities. U.S. natural gas inventories ended September 2021 at about 3.3 trillion cubic feet, or 5% less than the five-year (2016–20) average. Injections into storage this summer have been below the previous five-year average, largely as a result of increased natural gas used for electricity generation during the hot summer.

In recent years, in certain times and regions of the country, natural gas demand has grown faster than available supplies can be delivered. Such tightening of the market has resulted in dramatic price volatility. According to the Electricity Information Administration, natural gas consumption in the United States has steadily increased since 1997. Increased use of natural gas for electric generation is a significant reason. In large part, the electric utility industry has turned to natural gas to meet additional needs that have come with retirements of coal-fired power plants. Consumption of natural gas in the United States is growing at a faster rate than any other primary source of energy.

Petit Jean Electric Cooperative is impacted by these high fuel costs, much like consumers. In September, the price of natural gas purchased by Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation (AECC), our wholesale power provider, was approximately double the price paid last year at this time.

At Petit Jean Electric Cooperative, we recognize that our members are directly affected by escalating energy costs. Because you are served by a not-for-profit electric cooperative, you can rest assured that your electric energy is provided at the lowest feasible cost. In the face of rising fuel prices, Petit Jean Electric Cooperative will take every opportunity to provide you with the best value for your dollar.

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