Remember to #ThankALineworker on April 13
Lineworkers serve on the frontlines of our nation’s energy needs, and on April 13, 2020, your local electric co-op, along with other electric cooperatives across the country, will honor the brave men and women who work hard to keep the lights on.
Line crews work around the clock, sometimes in difficult and dangerous conditions, to keep power flowing to our local communities. Whether they’re restoring power after a major storm or maintaining critical infrastructure to our electric system, lineworkers are at the heart of our co-op.
When a storm hits, they set aside their personal priorities because Mother Nature doesn’t work around holidays, vacations and birthdays. A service-oriented mentality is one of the many admirable characteristics of an electric lineworker.
We are proud to honor the lineworkers who maintain the power lines in our service territory. We invite all co-op members to take a moment and thank a lineworker for the important work they do. On April 13, you can use #ThankALineworker on social media to show your support for the brave men and women who power our lives.