Jul 6, 2017
The path to efficiency independence
While fireworks and Independence Day parades are synonymous with the Fourth of July, no such fanfare comes to mind when discussing energy efficiency. Perhaps it should. If you think about it, energy efficiency not only benefits individuals and families, but the country as a whole. Energy efficiency, combined with advances in technology in the utility industry, ultimately helps place our nation on a path toward greater energy independence. And that’s worth celebrating.
Benefits of efficiency
At its essence, greater efficiency means less energy is used for the production of goods and services. For individual consumers, a reduction in energy use usually translates to a tangible financial benefit – more money in your wallet at the end of the month. If your co-op neighbors are also using less energy, collectively, it means the overall cost of providing that electricity could be lower and may result in reduced costs for co-op members. For many, this is reason enough to strive for greater energy efficiency. On a national level, energy efficiency, sometimes called the “fifth fuel,” has a more profound impact. It can potentially boost the economy by allowing consumers and businesses to investment in other areas. As importantly, greater energy efficiency may slow the rate at which domestic energy is depleted, and therefore reduce or diminish the need for foreign energy.
Strike up the band
There’s no need to wait for the first exploding burst of fireworks in the night sky to start your energy efficiency efforts. Every American can take charge of their own energy use, regardless of the date on the calendar. Small steps can lead to a big difference for you and your neighbors, whether across the road or across the country.
The best way to start your path is with an energy audit (we can help with this so give us a call). The audit will reveal what the next steps are, which usually include improving the seal of your home’s “envelope” by caulking exterior windows and doors and sealing openings where pipes and ductwork meet the outside. Swapping out the last incandescent bulbs (inside and outside) with LEDs also makes a noticeable difference. And speaking of LEDs, I would like to encourage you to look for the business reply card/entry from here in the magazine. Fill it out, tear it out and then put it in the mail. With the entry, you will be eligible to win one of 170 LED lighting kits that will be given away as part of the 10th Annual Energy Efficiency Makeover (www. smartenergytips.org). You can’t win if you don’t enter, so why not do it today.