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Apr 5, 2018

The power behind your power

The power behind your power

As April arrives, it brings with it the showers that produce spring flowers. It also heralds the beginning of a potentially stormy season that can inherently include power outages. While Petit Jean Electric Cooperative strives to provide reliable electricity to our members, there are
times when Mother Nature has other plans. Most of us can ride out a storm from the comfort and convenience of our homes. However, there is a group of professionals that spring into action when the weather takes a turn for the worst — co-op lineworkers.

One of the most dangerous jobs Braving stormy weather and other challenging conditions, lineworkers often must climb 40 or more feet in the air, carrying heaving equipment to restore power. Listed as one of the 10 most dangerous jobs in the U.S., lineworkers must perform
detailed tasks next to high-voltage power lines. To help keep them safe, lineworkers wear specialized protective clothing and equipment
at all times when on the job. This includes special fire-resistant clothing that will self-extinguish, limiting potential injuries from burns and sparks. Insulated and rubber gloves are worn in tandem to protect them from electrical shock. While the gear performs a critical function, it also adds additional weight and bulk, making the job more complex. In addition to the highly visible tasks lineworkers perform,  their job today goes far beyond climbing to the top of a pole to repair a wire. They are also information experts that can pinpoint an outage from miles away and restore power remotely. Line crews use their laptops and cell phones to map outages, take pictures of the work they have done and troubleshoot problems. In our community, lineworkers are responsible for maintaining hundreds of miles of lines across our service area in order to bring power to your home and our local community 24/7, regardless of the weather, holidays or personal considerations.

While some of the tools that lineworkers use have changed over the years, namely the use of technology, the dedication to the job has not. Being a lineworker is not a glamorous profession. At its essence, it is inherently dangerous, requiring work near high-voltage lines in the worst of conditions, at any times of the day or night. During hurricanes, tornadoes or ice storms, crews often work around the clock to restore power.

While April is known for spring showers, there is also a day set aside to “thank a lineworker.” The nation’s electric coops have designated April 9 as Lineworker Appreciation Day. If you see a lineworker or know one, please pause to say thank you.  Let them know you appreciate the hard work they do to keep the lights on, regardless of the conditions.

They are truly the power behind your power.

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